This is one of the most disturbing local tales I have heard, especially as there are photos. She is not a girl, but looks like a small girl in a red dress - she is only knee-high and appears in photos hugging people's knees, although they are not aware of her presence until photos developed. Wood Farm is not the only place where ‘Red Girls’ have been sighted, they are a national if not international phenomenon.
On the whole, they are regarded as an ill omen, although none of those photographed with her at Wood Farm have suffered any ill luck or health. This red girl photograph is available on the Wood Farm Adventure website (at this point on time). for the curious.
Other girls have been sighted at Wood Farm, or perhaps the same ghost on different occasions. One girl aged around ten was observed in the old barns and appeared to have been disemboweled. A group of psychics attempted to exorcise her, with a small degree of success and great excitement locally, when she reappeared on the same day in the lounge of a holiday cottage in front of a group of holidaymakers!
The location of this apparition is a hotbed of sightings of a paranormal nature including other sightings of girl ghosts by normal people and paranormal investigators. Other sightings are of boggarts, panthers, headless horsemen, monks, poltergeist activity, ghostly voices, and eerie growling in the trees - and two separate sightings of, wait for it, unicorns!
My opinion is that these unicorns might have been armored medieval war horses whose armour consisted of a metal spike on the forehead of the helmet called a ‘champron’ They were seen by two young girls so perhaps their point of reference didn’t include such horses and they saw what they knew of.
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